Rail and bus stations - Currency Converter

Train and Bus stations

The prices include all costs. Are valid for 1-4 pax. You can pay in cash or by card at the end of the trip directly from the driver.

Bus stations Transfer prices
bus stations Árpád híd Bus station 10,000 HUF
Kelenföldi Bus station 11,500 HUF
Népliget Bus station 8,500 HUF
Stadion Bus station 10,000 HUF
Újpest Városkapu Bus station 11,500 HUF
Train stations Transfer prices
Keleti Train station 8,500 HUF
Nyugati Train station 10,000 HUF
Déli Train station 10,000 HUF
Kelenföldi Train station 11,500 HUF

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